Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Ltd.: Kanoria Chemicals & Industries operates primarily in four sectors – renewable energy, chemical manufacturing, automotive and industrial electronics, and textiles. It is one of the best top chemical manufacturing companies in India.
About the Company- Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Ltd
Three companies are operating simultaneously – one manufactures alcohol-based intermediates in Ankleshwar Gujarat and the other in Visakhapatnam and Naidupeta Andhra Pradesh. The first company manufactures formaldehyde, hexamine and phenolic resins; while the second company manufactures only formaldehyde. The company has received the Indian Chemical Manufacturers Association (ICMA) award for water resource management in the chemical industry.
Note: Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Ltd. is one of the best chemical manufacturing company in India. It is one of the biggest company in India. If you want to get more companies data like this. Choose 77Data, Which is one of the best industry data provider. some of the data list are given below. Choose Now.
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